Fazlur Rahman

From the bustling streets of Bangladesh to the historic city of Salisbury, Fazlur Rahman’s life was a tapestry of ambition, family, and community. Born into the vibrant culture of Bangladesh, Rahman’s journey began with his arrival in the United Kingdom in 1968 at the tender age of 14. Settling in Paddington, London, he embarked on his first venture, working in an English restaurant, where the seeds of his entrepreneurial spirit were sown.

In 1972, Rahman’s heart called him back to his homeland, where he embraced matrimony’s sacred bond. After a year of marital bliss, he returned to Paddington, but not for long. By March 1979, Rahman had reunited his family in London, a move that would mark the beginning of a new chapter.

The summer of 1979 saw Rahman’s aspirations take root in New Milton, Hampshire, with the establishment of The Jarna, an Indian restaurant that would be the first of many. His culinary journey continued in 1982 when he took the helm of The Golden Curry in Salisbury, acquired from Mansur Uddin Choudhury. It was here, above the restaurant, that Mr Rahman and his family made their home, later moving to a house in Salisbury, marking their permanent place in the community.

Mr Rahman’s entrepreneurial ventures flourished as he established several businesses, including The Shah Jahan and The Raj of India in Shaftesbury.

The Asian Food Store ,Fisherton Street, Salisbury

His vision extended beyond restaurants, and in the early 2000s, he founded the Asian Food Store on Fisherton Street, Salisbury. This store became a cornerstone for the local ethnic minority population, offering authentic goods from across Asia and Africa.

Tragedy struck in June 2009 with Rahman’s passing, yet his legacy lived on through the Asian Food Store, which remained under the stewardship of his wife and eldest son until 2012. The Rahman family’s roots in Salisbury grew deep and strong. His eldest son, a trailblazer, became the first Bangladeshi to attend Bishop Wordsworth’s School in 1991, later pursuing higher education in London. The family’s legacy continued as his son followed in his footsteps, attending the same grammar school in 2014.

Fazlur Rahman’s story is one of pioneering spirit and enduring legacy, a testament to the indomitable will to forge a path for oneself and one’s community, leaving an indelible mark on the fabric of British society.